Verifi3D Exchange Portal

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Verifi3D Exchange Portal

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Verifi3D Exchange Portal

Streamlining construction data validation

With the rapidly evolving construction landscape, the need for efficient and reliable data validation processes has never been more crucial.

✓ Templates simplify and standardize data validation processes

✓ Pre-designed frameworks reduce manual errors

✓ Automation of workflows enhances efficiency

✓ Ensures consistency across projects

Verifi3D Exchange Portal

The Verifi3D Exchange Portal is a community-driven platform that offers a repository of predefined rule templates compliant with global building codes, such as ISO 19650 that can be imported and exported to streamline data validation processes.

✓ Comprehensive repository of tailored templates

✓ Meeting diverse needs across project scale and complexity

✓ Project-specific templates for newcomers and seasoned professionals

Harnessing templates for model checking

What sets the Verifi3D Exchange Portal apart is its extensive library of templates, designed to facilitate coordination among project stakeholders.

✓ Extensive library of templates, covering IDS, ILS, COBie, and more

✓ Supports Revit, IFC, or both, ensuring compatibility and interoperability

✓ Facilitates exchange, modification, and reuse of templates across projects

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